Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission KPPSC

Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Public Service Commission has the authority to conduct competitive exams to fill the vacant seats of government posts of KPK province. These competitive exams for various posts are held almost every month which comprise of written tests, interviews and psychological test. In these exams, thousands of bachelor degree holder candidates from the province of KPK take part and those who proved best among them are selected for the required posts. Only candidates with domicile of KPK province are allowed to take part in the exams of KPK Public Service Commission.
KPK PSC announces the registration process for a vacant post few months before the start of the exams. The interested and eligible candidates submit application and the KPK PSC sends them their registration no. and roll numbers. Few days before the start of the exams, the KPK Public Service Commission issues the date sheet of the exams. The date sheet provides complete details of exams including examination time table, schedule, venue and important instructions about exams. Date sheets are provided by the commission at the official site of KPK PSC.
KPK PSC issues the model papers for the students from time to time after it changes the paper pattern and syllabus of exams. Model papers contain all these change and the students can easily download their required model papers from the official site of KPK PSC. Apart from model papers, past papers are also very important from examinational point of view as they provide information about the important question that can be asked in the written papers. Students can easily buy their required past papers from market.
Public Service Commission of KPK province declares the results of different competitive exams after just few months of the exams. Results of written tests are uploaded at the website of KPK PSC which can be seen by all the candidates. Later, successful candidates are called for interview and psychological test and their results are sent by post to the mentioned addresses of the students. The candidates passing in all these tests are selected for the required post.